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放大字体  缩小字体 http://www.xxtlw.com  发布日期:2019-05-10  来源:PPG大师漆  浏览次数:707
PPG advances sustainability to protect and beautify the world
       PPG published its 2018 Sustainability Report, detailing the company’s performance and progress against its 2025 sustainability goals that contribute to its purpose and promise: WE PROTECT AND BEAUTIFY THE WORLD™. 
       Last year, PPG embedded additional sustainable practices into its operations, introduced new sustainably advantaged products for customers, achieved a record low in injury cases across the company, advanced its global community engagement initiatives, and further advanced its diversity and inclusion efforts. 
       PPG董事长兼首席执行官Michael H. McGarry表示:“在全体员工的共同努力下,我们将可持续发展的理念进一步深入到PPG的全球业务中。我们每天进取,日积寸功。2018年,我们在可持续发展方面取得了令人鼓舞的进步,这也激励着我们不断发现新机遇,向最终实现既定的2025年目标继续迈进。”
       “Our dedicated workforce continues to drive sustainability deeper into our global operations,” said Michael H. McGarry, PPG chairman and chief executive officer. “At PPG, we are focused on doing better today than yesterday. Our 2018 sustainability progress is encouraging, and it inspires us to identify new opportunities and ultimately reach the aggressive 2025 goals that we have set for our company.”
       PPG launched a new set of sustainability goals in 2018, guiding the company to further embed sustainability into its day-to-day operations and measure its progress. Highlights of PPG’s sustainability progress in 2018 include the following.
       Preserving and protecting the environment: PPG is committed to using resources efficiently and driving sustainability throughout its entire value chain to preserve and protect the environment in which the company operates. PPG achieved:
       32% of sales from sustainably advantaged products and processes, such as its low-cure automotive paint process that allows customers to use 39% less energy;
       29% of manufacturing and research and development locations with zero waste to landfill;
       28% improvement in the spills and releases rate;
       7% reduction in water intensity; and
       6% reduction in waste disposal intensity.
       Beautifying our communities: PPG and the PPG Foundation collaborate and engage with employees, community partners and other stakeholders to make the company’s vision of bringing color and brightness to communities a reality. In 2018, PPG and the PPG Foundation:
       Completed the 200th COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® project since the program’s launch in 2015 – a significant milestone that allowed the company to impact more than 5.2 million people in 30 countries;
       Donated more than $9 million globally; and
       Logged nearly 25,000 employee volunteer hours.
       尊重员工:PPG有义务确保员工的安全和健康,让他们具有参与感,并感受到公司对其各种贡献的尊重。在 2018年中:
       Valuing our people: PPG has an obligation to ensure its employees are safe, healthy, engaged and valued for the diverse talents they bring to the company. In 2018:
       20% of top management positions were held by women, with a steady increase in female representation of total workforce; and
PPG achieved a 10% reduction in its injury and illness rate.
       PPG(纽约证交所代码: PPG)始终致力于为客户开发并提供值得信赖的油漆涂料和材料产品已逾135年。秉持奉献与创新精神,PPG帮助客户应对各类严峻挑战,共同推动行业进步。PPG公司总部设在美国匹兹堡市,其运营和研发机构遍布全球70多个国家,2018年公司全球净销售额达154亿美元。PPG为建筑、消费品、工业、交通运输等领域及其售后市场的客户提供高附加值产品和服务。
       At PPG (NYSE:PPG), we work every day to develop and deliver the paints, coatings and materials that our customers have trusted for more than 135 years. Through dedication and creativity, we solve our customers’ biggest challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. With headquarters in Pittsburgh, we operate and innovate in more than 70 countries and reported net sales of $15.4 billion in 2018. We serve customers in construction, consumer products, industrial and transportation markets and aftermarkets. 

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